Small dogs, just like humans, can struggle with anxiety. Whether it be fireworks, strangers, or other dogs, there is usually something that can set off our small dogs. Some dogs may handle the anxiety better than others, but they will all have moments where they need the comfort and support of a human to get them through.
Signs of Anxiety in Small Dogs
In order to effectively treat anxious behaviors it is important to understand them. Below are some of the way your small dog may express their anxiety:
- Nervous Urination: Sometimes when dogs are nervous or overly excited, they lose control of their bladder.
- Trembling: Some dogs may shake when approached by people they do not know.
- Snapping or Biting: When your pet feels threatened they will snap or bite at people. This can be a dangerous and extreme reaction.
- Pancaking: This is when your pet crouches down to their belly and crawls across the floor like an army crawl.
What to Do About Your Small Dog’s Anxiety
Good news is most of these actions can be corrected without serious intervention.
First thing to make sure is you do not yell at them for these actions, which will give them attention for bad behavior. Yes it is negative attention, but it is still attention. Instead, go about your day as if nothing happened.
Make sure you give your pet consistency. Do not change up routine on them; they will act out and you will be the one cleaning up the messes.
If needed, give your dog distractions. If your dog doesn’t like someone that came into the home, bring him into a different room and offer him a treat. Then he won’t feel anxious and the treat will let him know he isn’t in trouble.
In serious situations, there are medicines that can be prescribed by a vet to help your pet lead a normal life.
For more information on how to care for your small dog, read through our blog or contact Pauley’s Pups today.