Dogs are a part of our family and a huge responsibility. They require love and attention as well as proper training to be good family members. Unacceptable behaviors that get out of control are as much your problem as they are your dogs. And it is only up to you to implement changes in behavior…. Read more »
Trimming your dog’s nails can be intimidating for both the dog and the owner. However, it doesn’t have to be. Trimming nails can be an easy, stress-free process by following the steps below: Start early Starting the process early in your puppy’s life can make trimming their nails so much easier. By doing so, your… Read more »
Dogs are smart. They possess a lot of skills that put them ahead of many of the other species that make up the animal kingdom. One of the many skills that your dog possesses is the ability to communicate with the people around them. While they cannot talk, they find many different ways to express… Read more »
Halloween is just around the corner, which means there will be a lot of candy, costumes and decorations in sight. Your children may love this time of the year, but your four-legged friend may not have as much fun. Here are a few things to keep in mind around Halloween time: Avoid loose fabric and… Read more »
On Saturday, August 26th, national dog day took place. In case you missed it, we thought we would fill you in and help you celebrate, since we know how much you adore your four-legged friend! So what is national dog day? National dog day is celebrated every year on August 26th. It was founded in… Read more »
We love our dogs, they are a big part of our lives and we would do anything for them so don’t you want to know a little more about them? After reading these interesting facts about your dog you probably didn’t know, you will love and appreciate them more, if that’s even possible! Dogs don’t… Read more »
To protect your dog from heat stress and heat related illnesses, keep your dog cool and hydrated when temperatures begin to really heat up. Before you head out to have some fun in the sun with your pooch, keep these tips in mind to keep your dog safe in the heat: Make sure your dog… Read more »
A little dog with a big heart and even bigger personality, the Maltese has been known by many names, says the American Kennel Club. Called “Ye Ancient Dogge of Malta” and the “Roman Ladies Dog,” this breed stands out with its fluffy, white coat and springy personality. Growing to no more than about 7 pounds… Read more »
Keeping fit is a battle every person faces not only for themselves, but also for their four-legged friends. Many pets can succumb to the same plights that affect each of us – too much time lounging around, watching TV or napping. Here are a few simple exercise tips to help keep your dog in tip-top… Read more »
Just like you and I lose strands of hair regularly, so too do our canine companions. Dog fur sheds regularly as old and damaged hair falls out, often finding its way to the carpet, couch or the all black shirt or pants you’re wearing. Brushing is a great preventative way to reduce the excess hair,… Read more »
Just as watching your diet is important to maintaining your health, your dog’s diet is crucial to their optimal growth and health. What, how much and how often you feed your dog will determine your pup’s mental and physical health. What to feed your dog Water Small dogs’ bodies are made up of 50 to 60… Read more »
With the Fourth of July just around the corner, summer fireworks season is about to explode into colorful spectacles in the evening sky. While the booms and flashes are fun for people, they’re not always as great an experience for your four-legged friend. Here are a few tips to help your pup through what can… Read more »
Every summer, as the temperatures rise outside, so does the thermostat inside. While you get up and go to your job every day – which hopefully is air conditioned! – your four-legged friend stays home. With the heat also comes the potential for heat-related illnesses and even heat stroke. Here are a few tips to… Read more »
Summer is on the way! The days are longer and hotter, and it seems to be happening earlier than usual this year. As a discerning pet parent, it’s your job to ensure that your furry family member is happy and comfortable during these warm months. There are plenty of treats and hot weather games to… Read more »
As any responsible pet owner knows, your dog – even if in good health – should have an annual checkup by a veterinarian. Just as you have an annual physical and wellness appointment with your doctor, so too should your four-legged friend. There are a number of health areas that your vet will review with… Read more »
Many times what we see on TV is what we want. This is exactly why many people choose a certain breed of dog. Those well trained dogs on popular TV shows make us believe we will have that dog someday. The truth is to have a dog like that you will need to put a… Read more »
Spring is right around the corner and for new dog owners, they are thinking about how much dirt is going to get tracked into their homes. But, what they should be worried about is their dog’s reaction to the impending storms. Some dogs become extremely fearful of the storms and have increased anxiety. The reason… Read more »
In many states, the month of February has been extremely cold; in some states it has even broken records for being the coldest month of the year and coldest month in history. There has been a lot of the white stuff flying around and that naturally will bring the temperatures around us down even more…. Read more »
The Lhasa Apso was first seen in Tibet at least 4,000 years ago and was bred and domesticated as early as 800 BC, which makes the Lhasa Apso one of the world’s oldest breeds. It is also considered the breed most closely related to the wolf. Originally the Lhasa was a guard dog for monasteries… Read more »
There are many tricks that we wind up teaching to our dogs, and for various reasons. Whether it is for training or to spend some quality time with your puppy, here are some tips on achieving the basics. The Sit Command The first thing you want to do is get your dog its favorite treats…. Read more »
As a new fur mom or dad, the most important first step is to name your new puppy. The name can come immediately once you see them, or you may try out a name or two once you get them home and see if they seem to fit one better than the other. There… Read more »
The Morkie breed, a cross between a purebred Maltese and Yorkshire Terrier, is by far one of the most adorable toy dogs you’ll ever see. Due to their parentage and sweet appearance, the Morkie is often referred to as a “designer dog.” Even with given a glamorous and elite status as a designer dog, the Morkie… Read more »
There are many instances where it will be necessary to crate your new puppy, but how do you do that so that it is a pleasant experience for both? Dogs instinctually seek out a den, a place where they feel safe and can relax-their home inside their home. You can use this when training your… Read more »
This is the third in a series of posts about solving common problems with puppies. Follow the whole series by subscribing to our blog at the bottom of the page. Separation anxiety is a unique problem to have with your dog or puppy. In every instance, the cause of the problem is the same—your dog… Read more »
This is the second in a series of posts about solving common problems with puppies. Follow the whole series by subscribing to our blog at the bottom of the page. Here at Pauley’s Pups, we know that dogs love to be in the great outdoors, where they can run and play. Many dogs have a… Read more »
This is the first in a series of posts about solving common problems with puppies. Follow the whole series by subscribing to our blog at the bottom of the page. At Pauley’s Pups in Ashland, Virginia, we love cute puppies more than anything else in the world. But when they chew up our new pair… Read more »
The past few weeks have put many people, all across the country, through some very frigid winter weather. Of course us humans dread going outside when the temperature dips too low. But we tend to forget that our dogs and puppies can get cold as well. In fact, extremely cold temperatures can be very dangerous… Read more »
There’s been a lot of talk about “designer dogs” – dogs that are not considered mixed breeds, but are bred purposely to combine the best of 2 breeds. At Pauley’s Pups, we love these types of puppies. Cross a miniature or toy Poodle with a Maltese and you get the Malt-a-poo, a loving and playful… Read more »
At Pauley’s Pups, we love to learn about small dog breeds and how they came to be. As Lhasa Apso owners already know, their dogs like to be aware of their surroundings. Always protective of their companions and healthily wary of strangers, the Lhasa Apso is a small dog that doesn’t let its size get… Read more »
Have you seen other pet owners walking around with their dog dressed in clothes and wondered if you should do the same for your animal? At Pauley’s Pups, we’ve seen our fair share of doggy outfits -some reserved, some extravagant, and some just plain ridiculous. If you don’t currently dress him up, are you keeping… Read more »
As soon as you walk out of Pauley’s Pups, you’ll be carrying the responsibility of a growing puppy in your hands. The first few months of a dog’s diet are crucial to set them up for a happy and healthy life. While it’s always good to consult your veterinarian about your particular dog and the… Read more »
At Pauley’s Pups, we know that while no one likes getting shots, they deliver vaccines that keep us guarded from potentially dangerous diseases. Much like their human owners, dogs require a certain regimen to protect them from an array of potentially deadly medical conditions. Here are some common canine diseases serious enough to consider having… Read more »
At Pauley’s Pups, we care deeply about the dogs we carry, both before and after we find them a home. To get your relationship off on the right foot, you should start thinking about how you’ll train your puppy immediately. Here are a few things to consider when looking for the ideal trainer. Check Their… Read more »
Another great family addition is the puggle. If you are looking for a high-energy, fun loving companion, the puggle is a wonderful choice. Created in the 1980s, the puggle is a cross between a purebred pug and beagle. Considered to be a small lap dog, puggles can weigh anywhere from seven to thirty pounds. A… Read more »