Category: Caring For your Puppy Tips

The Benefits of Owning a Small Breed Dog

Small breed dogs, like the adorable Maltese and other tiny pups available at Pauley’s Pups, come with a wide range of benefits that make them excellent companions. Whether you’re a city dweller in an apartment, a frequent traveler, or simply looking for a dog with lower maintenance needs, small breed dogs may be the ideal… Read more »

How to Stop Your Dog From Begging for Food

It’s dinner time and your family sits down to enjoy your meal, and your dog sits by your side all doe-eyed and sweet, just waiting to be given a morsel of whatever you’re having. It’s cute at first. But it happens all the time, even when you have guests over. How can you put an… Read more »

Introducing New Pets: Helping Your Toy Breed Adjust to New Family Members

Bringing a new pet into your home is an exciting experience but can also be a source of stress for your existing furry family members, especially toy breeds that may be more sensitive to changes in their environment. Here’s how you can ensure a smooth transition and foster harmony between your toy breed and new… Read more »

How to Create a Pet-Safe Garden this Spring

As the vibrant colors of spring begin to bloom, creating a garden that’s safe for our furry friends becomes a top priority for pet owners. A pet-safe garden not only ensures the well-being of our beloved companions but also provides a tranquil space for them to explore and enjoy. Let’s delve into some essential tips… Read more »

Why Spring is a Great Time to Welcome a New Toy Breed Dog

Spring, with its promise of new beginnings and warmer weather, is a wonderful time to consider expanding your family by adopting a toy breed. These small, affectionate companions bring immense joy and love into your life. Let’s explore why spring is an ideal season to welcome a new furry friend into your home. The Perfect… Read more »

Balancing Diet and Exercise for a Healthy Toy Breed Weight

Owning a toy breed comes with its own unique set of joys and challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining an ideal weight. These little furballs have a faster metabolism and specific nutritional needs that can make diet and exercise crucial to their overall health. Ensuring your toy breed stays active and eats a balanced… Read more »

The Benefits of Pet Insurance for Your Toy Breed

If you’re the proud owner of a toy breed dog, you understand how quickly these little furballs become a cherished part of your family. Just like any family member, you want to ensure they get the best care possible, and this is where pet insurance comes into play. It provides financial support when unexpected health… Read more »

Essential Tips to Help Get Rid of Dog Smell in Your Home

Walking into your house to the odor of dog smell after a long day at work is anything but appealing. While there are many ways you can cover or eliminate odors with sprays and plug-in deodorizers, some of these may cause harm to your pet. So how can you get rid of dog smell in… Read more »

Which Toys are Best for Small Dogs?

All dogs like to play and they need toys and playtime to occupy them from chewing other things they shouldn’t. Small dogs need small toys. Why? Well if you give a small dog a toy made for a German Shepard they may not even be able to lift it. Toys are made in different sizes… Read more »

How to Trim Your Dog’s Nails

Trimming your dog’s nails can be intimidating for both the dog and the owner. However, it doesn’t have to be. Trimming nails can be an easy, stress-free process by following the steps below: Start early Starting the process early in your puppy’s life can make trimming their nails so much easier. By doing so, your… Read more »

How to Help Your Dog Cope with Separation Anxiety

There’s not a dog on the planet that likes their owner leaving them for an extended period of time. Yet, some take this temporary separation very seriously. They may end up barking all day, or chewing on your carpets and furniture. Some may even urinate in the home. Known as separation anxiety, this kind of… Read more »

National Pet ID Week Celebrated April 16-22

If you are a pet owner, your pets are some of the most important things in your life. If something was to happen and they would get lost, what would your first step be? If your pet is not microchipped or doesn’t have a collar with their identification, the chances of your pet returning home… Read more »

A Big Deal: How Being Overweight Can Impact a Dog’s Health

Many of use January as a time to set about our resolutions for the new year, and one of the most important and popular ones is a dedication to losing weight. Maintaining a healthy weight is important – not just for us, though, but also for our dogs. Smaller breeds are extremely vulnerable to weight… Read more »

New Year’s Resolutions for You and Your Dog

As we approach the new year, many of us are deciding on how we would like to better ourselves once 2017 arrives. New Year’s resolutions do not have to only involve ourselves, however; they don’t even have to involve humans. Exercise More All dog owners can opt to exercise more with your dog after ringing… Read more »

June is Pet Microchipping Month

June is recognized as National Pet Microchipping Month, and it’s a great reminder to make sure that you have your pup microchipped if you haven’t already. Microchips are a superb way to help find your pet in case they go missing. Inserted beneath your pet’s skin – usually in the back of the neck for… Read more »

Five Signs Your Dog Needs a Dentist

February brings us one month closer to spring, and boasts several holidays of its own. Of course there’s Valentine’s Day, but even more important for dog lovers and owners, February is National Pet Dental Health Month. Great dental health is a vital part of your dog’s overall health, as dental problems can lead to other… Read more »

Dangers of Ecigarettes for Dogs

With everyone today aware of the harmful effects caused by smoking, more and more people have turned to ecigarettes in recent years. While these devices are beneficial for those who are trying to quit or are looking for an alternative to traditional cigarettes, ecigs can potentially be just as dangerous to our pets as second-hand… Read more »

Exercise Tips for Toy Dogs at Home

Keeping fit is a battle every person faces not only for themselves, but also for their four-legged friends. Many pets can succumb to the same plights that affect each of us – too much time lounging around, watching TV or napping. Here are a few simple exercise tips to help keep your dog in tip-top… Read more »

Feeding Tips for Small Dogs

Just as watching your diet is important to maintaining your health, your dog’s diet is crucial to their optimal growth and health. What, how much and how often you feed your dog will determine your pup’s mental and physical health. What to feed your dog Water Small dogs’ bodies are made up of 50 to 60… Read more »

Five Tips for Fireworks and the Fourth

With the Fourth of July just around the corner, summer fireworks season is about to explode into colorful spectacles in the evening sky. While the booms and flashes are fun for people, they’re not always as great an experience for your four-legged friend. Here are a few tips to help your pup through what can… Read more »

Preventing Puppy from Overheating While You’re Out

Every summer, as the temperatures rise outside, so does the thermostat inside. While you get up and go to your job every day – which hopefully is air conditioned! – your four-legged friend stays home. With the heat also comes the potential for heat-related illnesses and even heat stroke. Here are a few tips to… Read more »

Keeping Your Pup Cool in Summer

Summer is on the way! The days are longer and hotter, and it seems to be happening earlier than usual this year. As a discerning pet parent, it’s your job to ensure that your furry family member is happy and comfortable during these warm months. There are plenty of treats and hot weather games to… Read more »

Keep Your Pup Healthy with an Annual Vet Trip

As any responsible pet owner knows, your dog – even if in good health – should have an annual checkup by a veterinarian. Just as you have an annual physical and wellness appointment with your doctor, so too should your four-legged friend. There are a number of health areas that your vet will review with… Read more »

Tips for Road Trips with Your Pup

Taking a family vacation is not family vacation without your new family member. This means you will need to bring the puppy. Your puppy will be so happy to spend time away from the home, but how exactly do you travel with a puppy, and what accommodations do you need to make for your new… Read more »

What to Do if Your Pup Hates Storms

Spring is right around the corner and for new dog owners, they are thinking about how much dirt is going to get tracked into their homes. But, what they should be worried about is their dog’s reaction to the impending storms. Some dogs become extremely fearful of the storms and have increased anxiety. The reason… Read more »

Keeping Your Pup Warm

In many states, the month of February has been extremely cold; in some states it has even broken records for being the coldest month of the year and coldest month in history. There has been a lot of the white stuff flying around and that naturally will bring the temperatures around us down even more…. Read more »

Does Your Dog Need A Coat During The Cold Months?

Many people see dogs wearing clothes as something only elderly women do with their “babies.” But there is a certain kind of logic to sweaters and coats for specific breeds, especially in really cold temperatures that they may not genetically be predisposed to do well in. So the easy answer to the title question is… Read more »

Thanksgiving with Your Pup [Infographic]

Thanksgiving is coming up, and this is a time where we need to be mindful of what we are feeding our puppies. Some foods are ok for them to eat, and some definitely are not! Below is an infographic that outlines some of the things that are good for your pup to eat. There are… Read more »

Crate Training Your Pauly’s Pup

There are many instances where it will be necessary to crate your new puppy, but how do you do that so that it is a pleasant experience for both? Dogs instinctually seek out a den, a place where they feel safe and can relax-their home inside their home. You can use this when training your… Read more »

Puppy Problems – Part 3: Relieve Your Dogs Separation Anxiety

This is the third in a series of posts about solving common problems with puppies. Follow the whole series by subscribing to our blog at the bottom of the page. Separation anxiety is a unique problem to have with your dog or puppy. In every instance, the cause of the problem is the same—your dog… Read more »

Keeping Your Pauley’s Pup Warm in the Winter Weather

The past few weeks have put many people, all across the country, through some very frigid winter weather. Of course us humans dread going outside when the temperature dips too low. But we tend to forget that our dogs and puppies can get cold as well. In fact, extremely cold temperatures can be very dangerous… Read more »

Should I Dress Up My Pauley’s Pups?

Have you seen other pet owners walking around with their dog dressed in clothes and wondered if you should do the same for your animal? At Pauley’s Pups, we’ve seen our fair share of doggy outfits -some reserved, some extravagant, and some just plain ridiculous. If you don’t currently dress him up, are you keeping… Read more »

What NOT to Feed Your Pauley’s Pup

Last time, we posted about what to feed your puppy, mentioning that some foods are actually toxic to dogs. So this week, we’ll talk about what NOT to feed your new puppy. First, there are foods like sugar and alcohol that are bad for just about any species that might ingest them. Dogs, especially small… Read more »

Vaccines For Your Pauley’s Pups

At Pauley’s Pups, we know that while no one likes getting shots, they deliver vaccines that keep us guarded from potentially dangerous diseases. Much like their human owners, dogs require a certain regimen to protect them from an array of potentially deadly medical conditions. Here are some common canine diseases serious enough to consider having… Read more »

Pauley’s Pups to Obedience School: Choosing a Trainer

At Pauley’s Pups, we care deeply about the dogs we carry, both before and after we find them a home. To get your relationship off on the right foot, you should start thinking about how you’ll train your puppy immediately. Here are a few things to consider when looking for the ideal trainer. Check Their… Read more »

The Chipper Chihuahua

When thinking of Chihuahuas, two common references undoubtedly come to mind. One is courtesy of Taco Bell, with the famous Chihuahua mascot exclaiming, “Yo quiero Taco Bell!” The other is the image of a tiny Chihuahua tucked in the purses of posh female celebrities, going everywhere their famous owner goes. While Chihuahuas don’t necessarily want… Read more »

Basic Grooming Tips For Dogs

When grooming your dog, there are some basic things to remember to ensure everything goes smoothly and you keep your dog safe.  Choose the right time – Just because you’re in the mood to groom your dog doesn’t mean your dog is in the mood to be groomed. Pick a good time to go to… Read more »

Should I Spay My Puppy?

At Pauley’s Pups, we specialize in connecting small breed dogs with loving, caring, lifelong human companions. After we help you find your new friend, you’ll have many choices to make that affect her future health and behavior. One such choice is whether to spay your puppy, a common practice with many scientifically recognized benefits. The… Read more »

Neutering your Puppy

Although it often has a negative connotation, neutering your puppy is not a bad thing; it keeps your dog from fathering any unwanted puppies. Neutering involves an incision made in the front of your puppy’s scrotum in order to take the testicles out. When male dogs are neutered, they become less aggressive because they have… Read more »

Taking Care of your New Puppy

If you’ve just acquired a puppy, it would be nice if they came with a manual. Since puppies do not, we have some general guidelines to share with you regarding the first few weeks and months of having a puppy in your life. Did you know the USA has the most dogs per country on… Read more »